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For the final course project with General Assembly's Digital Marketing Immersive, we built a pro-bono digital marketing pipeline for a global non-profit online art residency programme based in New York. The sponsorship acquisition drive required Content Strategy, Social Media Strategy, Email Marketing and Paid Social Campaigns to drive up corporate and individual donations to fund up-and-coming international artists affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We devised a digital marketing plan to fund CO-Residency's upcoming exhibition in June 2021.


Marketing Campaign, Digital


General Assembly




Co-Residency was born out of the pandemic crisis where artists faced cancellations from their art residencies and are impacted by a loss of income with business shutdowns. Surrounded with friends who faced this dire need for survival, founders, Michael and Erick formed an online art residency which empowers and financed global artists to continue to collaborate and create art despite the crisis.

The Brief

The brief requires us to build a marketing pipeline to canvass for donation and sponsorship funds from business and individual sponsors. As we work towards the above objectives, CO-Residency are also looking to create awareness and engagement from audiences who support the arts and artists.


"A strong and beautiful call to action which is current and politically attuned"


- Danielle Chin, Brand Director, CO-Residency


The Campaign

Inspired by the social movement that defined 2020, we devised the tagline, "COFUND Our Artists to Co-Create." The positive spin from the rallying call for "de-funding" is in keeping with CO-residency's brand speak and values. 

At its core, the prefix "co-" is associated with the idea of togetherness, joint action and shared responsibility. All of which are values of CO-Residency embodies.


Personally, the most satisfying aspects of this project are the Founders' collaborative hands. And also the value we created as a Digital Marketer for this meaningful global social cause.

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